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The Magnetic Tiles STEM Play Ideas Book

After years of play with our magnetic tiles, I am excited to share that I have compiled 50 of our favorite magnetic play ideas and put them into a book. This book is the ultimate guide to hands-on STEM learning that will keep kids occupied for hours. 

Reasons I Wrote This Book

1. Provide a Different Way to Learn

I am so thankful that I am able to engage and interact with you through social media. I have heard your feedback, and there is a clear demand for written instructions in addition to video tutorials. This is a great opportunity for me to be more inclusive to read/writer learners. Writing out all of the instructions also helped me think through each steps and see if there was a more logical way to build. 

2. Reduce Screen Time

Magnetic tiles are the perfect antidote to excessive screen time. The best way to combat screen time is with creative free play. Magnetic tiles is a great solution to get children off screens and engaging in imaginative play that fuses math, science and fun.

By providing something tangible like a physical book, your little builders are able to build without constantly looking at a screen. 

3. Leave a Legacy

With all of our play ideas being shared through our social media, there is a chance that these social media channels will one day become obsolete. Writing a book was the logical answer for me to capture our play experiences and prepare for the next generation of builders. Books transcend time and create a lasting legacy. It is comforting to know that my book and play ideas will be around for generations to come. 

When is the Book Available?

The ebook and paperback copy are available now.  You can also get a Kindle version on Amazon.

Where to Buy the Magnetic Tiles Book

The eBook and paperback are available for purchase on Amazon sites worldwide. You can also get my ebook on my website, which is preferred as most of the proceeds goes to me instead of Amazon conglomerate. Be sure to signup to our mailing list to get exclusive discount!

Find Innovative Ways to Play with Your Magnetic Tiles

For some of us, it is hard to come up with creative ways to play with magnetic tiles. If you are tired of the boring box builds, this book is for you. With 50 innovative ways to play, you and your little ones will be inspired to be creative and make something that is outside the “box”. 

Gather your book and your magnetic tiles, and let’s make something fun together!

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